iv.      Windows media player

Windows media player is used for playing music videos or audios

v.       My documents

My Documents is a folder where files, documents are stored

vi.      My recent documents

Clicking on My recent documents displays the document you worked on

vii.     My pictures

My picture is a folder where pictures are stored.

viii.    My music

My Music is a folder where music are stored.

ix.      My computer

My Computer is a folder where installed programs or applications are stored.

x.       Control panel

Control panel is part of the computer from where you can access the different programs installed on your computer. You can install and uninstall programs from the control panel. If you click on the control panel the picture below will appear on your desk top. The icons in the control panel section range from accessibility options, Add Hardware, Add or remove programs to Internet options.

xi.      Connect to…

Connect to….. connects you to the internet- wireless or wired.

xii.     Printers and faxes

The printers and faxes enable you to access the printers and fax machines installed on your computer.

xiii.    Help and support

Help and support is used for getting help on a problem encountered while using the computer.

xv.     Search

Search is used for searching  softawres, documents, folders or files on the computer.

xvi.    Run

Run is used for accessing the internal parts of the computer such as the registry system.

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