Performance objectives

By the end of this theme the students should be able to:

1. Lists the stages of information evolution
2. Describe what happens during each stage



Information and communication technology (ICT) is the use of electronic equipments (GSM handsets, Computer, Internet, Television, Radio etc) to send, process, record data and information. Information technology started evolving thousands of years ago with the invention of the printing press. Some of the most inventions of the ICT gadgets are as follows:
13.1.1. Invention of printing
13.1.2. Invention of radio
13.1.3. Invention of computer
13.1.4. Linking up of computers to from network

13.1.1. Invention of printing

Printing of books evolved some millions of years ago in the present China. In those days the Chinese used woodblocks and clay for printing books- store data and information. The next development in printing technology after the woodblock and clay technology was the invention of the Gutenberg printing press. Guttenberg Printing Press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg, a German goldsmith between 1436 and 1440. The typeface of the Guttenberg Printing machine composed of at first wooden and later on metal letters.
Invention of Books and other print materials such as newspapers, journals has increased the way data and information are recorded and transmitted Below are the pictures of Gutenberg printing machine and the printed Bible by Gutenberg. Impact of the printing press on information transmission

Some of the most important impact of the invention of the printing press are:

  1. Printing press aided in the documentation, storage of data and information for a long period.
  2. Printing press aided in the efficient transfer of data and information across communities and nations
  3. Printing press change the way people think and conduct their affairs especially in the academics. It enabled collaboration between scientists in different parts of the globe or world.
  4. Printing press influenced religious activities among monarchs in churches
  5. Printing press led to political uprising in Europe and other parts of the world.

13.1.2. Invention of radio and television

Radio is an electronic device which transmits electromagnetic waves, audio signals in form of speech, music etc from one place to another. Usually the receiver listens to the audio voices or outputs- speech, music etc from the radio. Impact of the Radio and television on information transmission

Some of the most important impact of the invention of the radio are:

  1. It aided in the efficient transfer of information and data from one place to another.
  2. Influenced the Entertainment sector by transmitting social events such as drama, comedy, cultural shows etc. 
  3. Influenced Politics- political rallies, manifestoes were disseminated through the radio.
  4. Religion religious activities such as preaching sermons were disseminated through the radio.
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