2.2.9. Using dust cover

2.2.1. Maintaining dust free environments

Dust affects the internal parts of the computer, by reducing its speed or resulting to its total collapse. To avoid this situation, the computer laboratory should be dust free. To this end, the laboratory should have a rug carpet and window blinds. Furthermore, the laboratory, the work spaces and the worktops should be dusted, cleaned daily.

2.2.2. Appropriate ventilation

High temperature affects the functioning of computer systems. To reduce the effect temperature on computers and ensure adequate air flow within the laboratory, Computer laboratories should have air conditioners and windows that allow cross ventilation.

2.2.3. Appropriate lightening

Computer laboratories should have enough lightening so as to enable effective vision.
Bright lamps or electric bulbs should be used in the laboratory.

2.2.4. Setting computer

The setting of the computers should be in such a way that there is adequate space between the individual computer tables. This is very important in that it allows free flow of air between the pupils and free movement between individual computer tables.

2.2.5. Worktops

The work area, computer tables should be glossy with cream color so as to prevent reflection.

2.2.6. Power supply

The power cables should be enclosed in trunking pipes above or below the worktops. Enough number of power sockets should be provided to avoid trailing of cables.
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