NUMBER BASES How to convert Decimal to Hexadecimal

You can use the repeated division method you used for converting decimal-to-binary to convert decimal to hex. Only, that, you have to use hexadecimal's base number 16 instead of 2.

Example 1- Convert decimal no 97 to hex

To convert decimal no 97 to hex divide the number repeated by 16. Keep the remainders.

97 / 16 = 6 - remainder 1
6 / 16 = 0 - remainder 6

Collect remainders from bottom (LSB) to  up (MSB)

The hex equivalent of decimal number 97 is 61

Example 2- Decimal Number: 934

To convert decimal no 934 to hex divide the number repeated by 16. Keep the remainders.

934 / 16 = 58 - remainder 6
58 / 16 = 3 - remainder 10
3 / 16 = 0 - remainder 3

Check for the hex value of 10 from the hex table. 10 in decimal is A in hex.
(Please always remember that whenever the decimal value is more than 9 look for the hex equivalent from the Hex table)

Collect remainders from bottom (LSB) to up (MSB)

The hex equivalent of decimal number 934 is 3A6

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