
We repeatedly divide the decimal number by 2 (the base number of the binary system) collecting the remainders. If we divide an even number by 2 there is no remainder, if we divide an odd number by 2 there is a remainder of 1.If the figure is divided by two and there is remainder, then put 1 against the figure.


Continue the division until there is no remainder


Then arranged the remainders-1s and 0s from the lower part of your division to the top, that is from the MSB to LSB

Example 1

Convert Decimal number 227 to binary.

To convert 227 to binary, divide the number repeated by 2.

Read figures on the above table from bottom (MSB) to top (LSB) as 10001002
The binary equivalent of 22710is 111000112.

5.1.3. OCTAL

An octal composed of three binary digits. Octal is a base-8 number system (2x2x2=8). As with the other systems the base, is the number of symbols used in the system. The octal system uses eight symbols - 0 to 7- 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. The base is indicated by the subscript 8.


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