Example 3- Convert binary 1111to decimal

To convert binary 1111 to decimal employ the following strategies

1.       Create your table with rows and columns
2.       Insert the bit positions
3.       Insert the place values
4.       Insert your base
5.       Insert your bits ( Binary number) in row 4 starting from the LSB to MSB
6.       Create column 5, which is the sum column.

Add up place values in row 4, cell 4, row 4 cell 3, row 4 cell 2and row 4 cell 1. You will have something like this, =8+4+2+1=15.
This means that binary no. 1111 is equivalent to decimal no. 15.       How to convert decimal to binary (base 10 to base 2)

The following strategy can be used to convert decimal to binary are:


First divide the figure by two

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