Step 1

Open the CD inserter situated on the side of your system unit or desk top.

Step 2

Put the CD plate and push in the plate inserter. Wait for a minute. A dialogue box as in the picture below will appear on your desktop.


1.       What is name of the row of the keys you will first start learning computer typing on?. Draw this row and insert the alphabets on the keys
2.       What is meant by clicking in computing? List and describe the different types of types of clicking.
3.       What is meant by drag and drop? Describe the process.
4.       What do you understand by the computer desktop window?
5.       Make a large labeled diagram of the Desk top
6.       What are Icons? Name and explain the uses of five icons found on the desk top
7.       What is meant by logging on and logging off in computing?
8.       What is meant by cool and warm booting?
9.       Draw and label the various parts of the key board
10.     Draw and label the various parts of the mouse
11.     State the functions of the different types of keys on the keyboard.
12.     Make a large label diagram of the computer monitor.
13.     What are desktop icons? Name five and state their functions
14.     State the methods you will use to create a folder on the desktop.
15.     State the steps you will use to name and rename a folder on your desk top.
16.     State the methods you will use to set up your desk top background.
17.     What is meant by logging on and logging off in computing

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