Reproductive Hormones

1. Hormones of the Ovaries

1. Estrogen

An ovarian follicle (and ovum) start to mature each month following puberty under the influence of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The developing follicle secretes estrogen. Estrogen develops female secondary sexual characteristics (at puberty) and maintains them throughout life. Estrogen targets:

  1. Hair follicles in axillary and inguinal regions
  2. Mammary glands/ breasts.
  3. Adipose tissue in hips, thighs, and buttocks.

Consequently, in the females, estrogens:

  1. Stimulates growth of uterus and vagina
  2. Egg maturation
  3. Female secondary sex characteristics Breast development
  4. Fat deposit and distribution. resulting in the enlargement of the hips, thighs, and buttocks

2. Progesterone.

Luteinizing hormone (LH) causes the mature follicle to rupture, releasing the ovum (ovulation). Progesterone is produced by the released corpus latum during ovalation.


Progesterone prepares the uterine lining for implantation of the zygote.

2. Hormones of thePlacenta

i. Estrogen
ii. Progesterone
iii. Gonadotropin

3. Hormones of theTestes

i. Testosterone

Testosterone is a male hormane produced by the testes. Testosterone develops male secondary sexual characteristics at puberty and maintains them throughout life. It aids in:

  1. the development of male secondary sex characteristics such as:
  2. the growth of penis and testes
  3. The growth of beard
  4. The enlargement of vocal folds and larynx.
  5. The stimulation of the production of oil by oil glands/.
  6. The development of baldness.
  7. The increased muscle development







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