NUMBER BASES How to convert Hexadecimal to Decimal

You can use the same method you used for converting binary to decimal. The only difference is that the hexadecimal’s use base number (16).

To convert binary numbers to decimal do the followings:

Step 1

Create a table with four rows.

Step 2

Insert the bit position in the first row of the table. Each cell of the table should have one figure.

Step 3

Insert the base exponent in the second row of the table. Each cell of the table should have one figure.

Step 4

Insert the place values (decimal values) in the third row of the table. Each cell of the table should have one figure.

Step 5

Insert the bits (binary number to be converted) in the first fourth row of the table. Each cell of the table should have one figure.

Step 6

Then bring down the place values whose hex are “1” to each column of row 5.

Step 7

You then add up the place values. This will be your result. This procedure is presented in the table below.

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